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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Pier

11/1/21 Weekly Moon Phase & Oracle Card Guidance

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Today we enter into a new month, in Waning Crescent Moon Phase! A month of gratitude and appreciation!! We will remain in the sign Scorpio until November 21. In our current phase of Waning Crescent we are reflecting over our past month cycle, releasing that which no longer serves our highest good. By digging a little deeper, doing the inner work we are then truly able to reflect. May you use this time nearing our years end to go within and do reflections not just of the past cycle but of the past year. Allowing yourself to reflect upon what resides in the deep, most inner parts of our hearts, and become able to release. Releasing those negative patterns and cycles, the pain and hurt, the grief and loss, and the uncertainty and insecurities the world has brought in. You may find in these last two months moon cycles that you are not only prepping and planning for the upcoming new moons, that you are also keeping those new year goals in mind. That is why it is essential that you also do the inner work as without this deep reflection and release we are certain to repeat the same cycles. Take this Waning Crescent phase as a true time of reflection and inner work in order to release, let go, and renew. This will leave you with a final Waning Crescent in December to finish up any left overs that you feel remain in order to start your new year fresh and lighter! We remain in Waning Crescent through Wednesday. This is also a time of resting and cleansing as part of the preparation of the next moon cycle. Purifying your environment as well as your heart and mind!

Thursday we arrive at our New Moon! This is the time to use that deep reflection you just completed to set new intentions for this moon phase cycle. Setting the stage for the new story you are writing! This New Moon in Scorpio means you will feel even more connected to your intuition and able to use those tiny nuggets of insight provided to set just the right intentions this week! Use the insight gained from your Waning Crescent journey to lead you! Listen and you will hear, seek and you will find the answer to the questions you've asked all along. Set the intentions, raise the bar, and reach for the stars knowing your on your path. Be brave enough to ask the Universe for what you desire and truly deserve! This New Moon may feel more intense as we are approaching a Lunar Eclipse this month as well! Now is the time to set those intense and steep intentions! We are in the last quarter of the year and approaching the goal line of the year! Just do it, ask and it is given! Use this time to hit the reset button, fully releasing any left overs, and completing any cleansing you feel necessary prior to moving forward.

We then move into Waxing Crescent through the 10th. During this time we are all in the feels. This is a time to use our emotions and feelings to guide us in prepping, planning, and refining our intentions and goals. Continuing to pay close attention to the guidance we receive and adjust our sails accordingly. Journaling and reflecting our emotions is a wonderful way to not only release but to also gain insight and clarity. We can refine those intentions along the way, as we do live within an ever changing energetic environment, our intentions may change as well. We are in a constant state of change and energy exchange, it is ok to change your mind! Tap into those emotions, they are there to help you see where the work needs to be done in order to reach your highest potential.

I do hope this helps you this week, as for me, I do believe it might be the best guidance I've written yet!

Oracle Card Guidance for the week from Alice: The Wonderland Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

14. Clock Time: Time, Pressure, In a Rush

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting"

We used to live in a world where we discussed "time" and our to-do list, by the sun rise and sunset, by the phase of the moon, by the weather, by the seasons. We progressed into clocks that tick and toc every second, developing more pressure to do more, to be more. Feeling late with and for everything. Feeling rushed into nearly everything including "growing up" How have you been feeling regarding time? Are you "focused, calm, and clear" or "reactive, rushed, anxious, and short of breath" There are times when we need to meet deadlines, when we have responsibilities to meet. However, when we are full of anxiety and feel rushed we are actually working against our best. We can show up as our best when we take a moment to reevaluate, prioritize, and slow down a tiny bit. We can start with staying present. Return to having a sense of self in a world that demands nearly all of you. Integrating a slower pace that is more focused by using the moon phases, sun rises and sunsets, and seasons to guide us.

I tie this all together with an overwhelm of good feelings. We are entering into the late fall and early winter weather and seasons, nearing our years end and evaluating our goals reached and not. Move forward with clarity we receive from the inner work we are doing, using the clarity and emotions to reevaluate all which we are doing or are planning. Giving us the motivation we need to arrive at our day with our best, not rushed, not pressured, but flowing best, best rested, best focused, best calm and clear self. Ready to face the day and slay. Fully charged and aligned with our goals. This is when we can make the most of the "time" we are given. Do you feel like you are in charge or is the clock working against you? I urge you to slow down, re-evaluate, go within, reflect, release, renew, reset, prep, plan, refine. Follow the Solar & Lunar Energies available to you at this time. Shine like the stars!

I am always here to help or answer questions! 🗣️

As always,

Stay Present⌛

Stay Curious🐇🐛🦋

Much Love,


*Alice: The Wonderland Oracle, Blue Angel Publishing

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Nov 02, 2021

I do believe this is your best guidance you have ever written! I look forward to reading your first book :) Love the Alice oracle cards 💜

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